Hearing test measures how much noise you can work with and is performed by the audiometrist. In the first stage ENT specialist will guide you to an audiometer for your hearing test appointment. In private booths that do not emit sound, the answers given to different voices and vocal voices are recorded using audiometry device. By hearing people hearing, the grade and type of hearing loss are determined. At the same time, special tests such as understanding speech, discriminating voice, understanding noise can be applied. The results of U tests are marked on a table called an audiogram. The diagnostic tests can be applied with different techniques depending on the age of the patient and the type of the disease.
Newborn Hearing: A patient is directed to the audiometry unit by a physician's request and a microphone is placed in the baby's outer ear pathway. Measuring signals in the inner ear and recognizing risky babies for congenital hearing loss without causing any physical or mental discomfort to the baby. Significant advantages of this test are; the risk of not harming the baby absolutely, the fast, economical and low error rate. The only thing to keep in mind is that it is a screening test, it is the only test that can detect babies who are at risk for congenital hearing loss, and that there is no guarantee for later hearing loss during infancy, and that the baby follows the hearing if the baby follows another. The result is interpreted by the relevant physician and planned accordingly.